Thanks to Karen Wilding, I've learnt to weave maths into everyday routines like, self registration using 5 or 10 frames, story voting using 5 or 10 frames and snack shop using the idea of exchange paying in cubes on a five frame for their selected pieces of fruit. All of these activities using 5 or 10 frames gives the opportunity to see which has fewer or more than, it builds concept images of numbers to 10, including number bonds, it has been a great way to support number sense and it happens daily!
Thanks to Karen Wilding, I've learnt to weave maths into everyday routines like, self registration using 5 or 10 frames, story voting using 5 or 10 frames and snack shop using the idea of exchange paying in cubes on a five frame for their selected pieces of fruit. All of these activities using 5 or 10 frames gives the opportunity to see which has fewer or more than, it builds concept images of numbers to 10, including number bonds, it has been a great way to support number sense and it happens daily!