Wonderful article! Please inform teaching students and the 'powers that be' in schools. There has been a huge shift in the last 20 odd years to having 'formal' phonics lessons in nurseries. I have always been opposed to these and still believe children learn through play, life experiences and planned activities. The idea of teaching up to 13 x 3 year olds in a group (sitting down), two phonics sounds per week is ridiculous. Also the pressure from management to get the children 'reception ready' is ill informed at best. Most 3 year olds recognise words and sounds in the form of logos eg the M in Macdonalds, the Tesco banner, the opening title of their favourite TV show, their favourite cereal etc. Start with what they know - have an interactive 'print in the environment' display that can be added to by children, parents and staff in a 'Literacy area'. Prove to people that children CAN learn through their own experiences. (This would of course be enhanced through other play activities by nursery staff)

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I would be very interested in hearing more about the nursery programme and the reception intervention. If possible to point us in the right direction that would be amazing, thank you.

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I would very interested in both the nursery and the intervention programmes too. Thank you

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Does Sally’s book give details of the reception intervention she refers to in the article, or is it available to buy separately?

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